So, this post is going to be my venting post right now.
You guys get on my damn nerves, geez.
I hate that I'm cussing, but I'm pissed the mess off!
My List1. I hate when guys play girls, that shit blows me!
2. I hate when guys act like babys and throw temper tantrums when you don't get your way, or when somebody says something that pisses you off. CHILL OUT.
3. I hate when guys don't carry themselves properly, STOP BEING SLUTS. Direct your interests to one girl and one girl only.
4. I hate when guys burp loudly and do not say excuse me (this goes for farting too). Like, where are your manners?
5. I hate when guys leave the stupid toilet seat up. I've fallen in the toilet numerous times because of that crap.
6. PAY ATTENTION, YOU STUPID BOYS! Gosh, it makes me sooo mad when you don't pay any attention. Like, really? C'mon now.
7. Don't cuss at me, that's just plain rude and unthoughtful.
8. Not every girl wants to give you bop or their goodies right when they meet you, chill out. Some of us actually have standards, so please stop asking.
9. Stop acting so fucking clueless when you do something wrong, man up and take responsibility.
10. Speaking of taking responsibility, if you have the stupidity of sexing a girl without a condom, and she happens to become pregnant, OWN UP & TAKE CARE OF THE GIRL AND YOUR KID.
11. You aren't God's given gift to the Earth, you most definitely that important, so you can calm down quick.
12. If you are going to text someone, don't send one word messages back. It is SO annoying.
13. If you drop a girl because she did something to piss you off (and most likely, she doesn't know what she did to piss you off), and all of a sudden you decide that you want her back.. expect her to be VERY blown at you.
14. You guys are just complete JERKS. The world does not revolve around you, you can get that thought out of your mind.
15. I hate when guys (my brother) leaves their underwear in the bathroom floor. It's gross.
16. I hate that most guys can't stand / stay still.
17. Ew, being a hotheaded musclehead is NOT cute. Learn how to control your competiveness in sports.
18. There are not enough sweet, good guys out in the world anymore.. It sucks. I only know two sweethearts that are guys, that's such a LOW number.
19. What's so hard about being real with a girl? Just be freaking honest and true.
20. You are not cool, you are just like everyone else no matter what. We will all be judged by the same God at one point. You can die with thinking that you are so cool and above everyone else.
21. I hate going downstairs to the kitchen to find that my food is GONE, eaten by these men in my house. Ugh.
22. I hate how guys have this idea that they have to prove themselves by fighting. It's really stupid.
*Eh, I have more, but I'm sleepy.
I'm still pissed though, I thought this would've helped..