Friday, May 1, 2009

idk why he feels like that..

sooo nando is distressed about the whole dmv supporting his music. i guess he thinks that no one listens and supports him.
and, i wish him the best in anything that he puts his mind to.
his music / flow / swag = my addiction. ive been a hardcore fan since day one.

new track:
click here: delorean intro.

as told in nando's pov..
"As you can tell, I fxcks with Kid Cudi's "Sky Might Fall". The feel of the record got me like everything gonna be alright with me and the situations I go thru. No matter what speed bump lies ahead in you life it wont stop you, just slow you down a little bit. It's NOTHING wrong with slowing down cause you never know what could happen if you rush something...

I'm so ready to get you guys this tape. I just dont wanna disappoint everyone cause I got ALOT of pressure on me to succeed and I feel like I NEED to make it great myself but I'm honestly not at 100% because I can't get to the studio enough like I want to but that is 50% my fault...Also I have not been releasing alot of records to blogs because I feel like NONE of the DMV blogs (except 3) actually support my music and that's sad cause I supported the DMV from the beginning...

"Super Nike Nando" is 70% done (what's with all these dxmn percentages?!?!?) I just got a few records I would like to record and then I'm all finished! And you can get you dxmn mixtape nerds. lol. I'm gonna release ONE single from the tape and that should be on Monday. I'm not really into giving away the WHOLE tape before it gets released cause when you download it you'd have your hopes up for nothing. lol. So PLEASE get amped because you are in for it when this tape drops..."


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