Friday, January 29, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
I don't know if this is right..
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Well, what time is it? Well, it's slow bounce timeee! :) :) :)

Friday, January 22, 2010
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Just pray.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010
What you doing?
Lol, B. I'm answering your question, reading a magazine, and texting you :)
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I really appreciate that.
Facebook or MySpace?
The book with the facee, duh :)
how do you stay so focused in school?
Lol, I'm quite flattered that you think I stay focused in school. I don't really know actually how I do it, since I am always drifting off to sleep, writing letters, or doing homework that is due the next class, lol. But, basically, I'm focused in school because I have a balance. I do well in school during the week because I know that I'm going to have a break on the weekends and I always make it a point to go out and have fun every weekend. Umm, I guess you could say that me being focused in school has to deal with knowing that all of this hard work is going to pay off soon. I just look to the future, that normally keeps me going. Overall, work hard, play hard :)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Some secrets :)
13975.) You broke me and I tell everyone I hate you. I secretly fucking miss you. Not only as my lover but as my best friend.
13961.) You've broken my heart multiple times and yet you are the same one who puts it back together again. How you do that, I don't know. But I hope this isn't a game to you and that my heart is not just some toy you can break and fix when you wish. I love you beyond what you realize, and all I really want is for you to love me back.
13959.) I MISS YOU. Okay? You win.
13942.) I think you're an idiot. You practically confessed your love to me, but we've yet to discuss it again. We act like we're playing the field when we're not around each other. You go through so much time to plan something out with me only to flake out in the end. You're confused and scared; but you want me deep down inside... Just admit it already. PS, I can be the greatest thing to ever happen to you if you just let me.
12944.) I like making out with you in the cold and in the rain. It's so much fun.
Monday, January 4, 2010
If you heard a rumor about one of your close friends, would you ask them about it or just believe the rumor?
I would ask them about it first, duh. Any friend should ask before they just assume and believe what another person said. Because, that's what a true friend is, and if you were to believe the rumor without confirmation, you wouldn't be a true/real friend. Rumors aren't always true anyways, so why deal with the drama?
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Thank-you soo much. You just made me smilee.
don't you think you can do better than him?
I know I can, but right now, I want him. I know it sounds really sad, but that's just how it is. Like, I just need a better guy to walk into my life right about now. It's time for a change.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Here's a short list:
-I miss him a lot.
-This homework is never going to get done.
-I am not going to give up.
-I miss him a lot.
-Text me :)
-Call me :)
-I'm hungry.
-I miss him a lot.
-I want juice.
-My parents need to come home and cook me some food, lol.
-I need to paint my nails again.
-My tummy hurts.
-I have two secrets I want to tell.
A look forward.

Hmm, you amaze me all the time. I just wanted to let you know that. Me and you, BFFs till the end :) Or atleast until you go to university, nopee, we are still going to be BFFs! You know why I like you, and let's keep it at that. I wish you all of the luck in the galaxy when you go to Florida to play ball and study. You are destined to be something amazing, and I can't wait to watch.
5. My girls.
Brittany, JEMD, Silvia, Kirstin, Natalia, Samira, Abby, Miracle, Briana, Savannah, and Brandi.
Mhm, there are not enough words in the English and Spanish language to express my gratitude towards you guys. I wish I could type how I feel about every last one of you guys, but I can't. I love every single one of you, and I appreciate our friendships and sisterhoods. You guys talk to me and make sure that I don't go crazy :)
6. Things I need to work on,
- My time management.
- My blocking of emotions.
- Thinking that people don't care about me.
- The amount of time I spend on my blogs.
- My urges to throw my Blackberry across the room when I get angry or when dumb people text/call me.
- I need to treat my brother a bit nicer.
- I need to think before I speak.