Sunday, March 14, 2010

Awh, crap.

Eh, a lot has to be told. However, I must go get in the shower to go down to Richmond. Prepare for lots and lots of writing and posts. I need must vent. It's becoming too much for me to handle. Even the ones I'm closest with have no idea.

"Lollipops turn into cigarettes & blunts. The innocent ones turn into hoes & sluts. Homework goes in the trash. Cellphones are being used in class. Detention becomes suspension. Soda becomes vodka. Bikes become cars. Kisses turn into sex. Remember when getting high meant swinging on the playground? When protection meant wearing a helmet? When the worst things you could get from boys were cooties? Dad’s shoulders were the highest place on earth & Mum was your hero? Your worst enemies were your siblings. Race issues were about who ran the fastest. War was only a card game. And the only drug you knew was cough medicine. When wearing a skirt didn’t make you a slut. The most pain you felt was when you skinned your knees, and goodbyes only meant until tomorrow? 

And we said we couldn’t wait to grow up…"


Aaron said...

Whoa! Is this you? That deep as shit! Pardon my French but I can't believe no one else commented on this. Ah well, I'll be the first and hopefully not the last.

DIAMOND said...

Lol, thanks Aaron. I found it off a website, and changed some stuff around. I guess I should cite the real author though.

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