I'm stopping my homework and procrastinating to dedicate a post to the fallen soldiers and living soldiers for all that they do or have done for our country. We, as a people, should recongize and support our troops and hope for the well-being of all. God bless and thank-you.
U.S. Marine pallbearers carry the flag-draped casket with U.S. Marine Lance Corporal Patrick Xavier Jr.’s body during a burial ceremony at the South Florida National Cemetery on Saturday (May 29) in Lake Worth, Florida. 24-year-old Patrick Xavier Jr. was killed May 18th during a ‘hostile incident’ in the Helmand province region of Afghanistan.
Pictured below are his brother Chad Xavier, mother Elizabeth Barolette (holding a folded American flag) and fiance Amani Shaheed.
As we all enjoy the backyard barbecues, the beach or just a plain-old good time, we must remember that Memorial Day is not just an extra day added to our weekend — it’s the holiday which commemorates the men and women who’ve died in military service for this country. So while you’re out having fun with friends and family, make sure to take the time to show some respect for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, one of them being Patrick Xavier Jr.
*All information taken from www.concreteloop.com
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
15 more days left!
School was ....... again. I slept the entire day.
Home was ................. again. I hate this place.
Anywayssss, Vets opens tomorrow :)
And I'm working! Soo, that means goodnight <3
Loveeeee this movie.
Beam my jacc, or whatever my cousin says.
Beam my jacc, or whatever my cousin says.
Meaning, text me, lol.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Today in Hunniford's class, we had our Reggie Bush sub, so all the females were happy. But, I was telling Brandi about how I was going to go see Wiz Khalifa in Norfolk this summer, and she didn't know who he was. Dfff? She's too much of a gogohead to appreciate my babe, but anyways I was telling her about how Wiz was my husband. She never caught on to the fact that he's a rapper, so she was all like, "Who is Wiz Khalifa? Who is Wiz Khalifa?" And then the sub replied, "A drug addict. A pot head. A weedhead. Somebody who an IB kid (me) shouldn't be attracted to." What can I say? I'm attracted to them.
Always have been, haha :)
Always have been, haha :)
16 more days left!
Eh. School was slum today.
Did nothing but crank with Brandi to XIB & ABM.
Car ride with Britt was on point. Focused likeeee.
Girl Scout end of the year dinner is tonight. I love my girls <3
Jordan finally turned 16 today. This means I owe him a date. Gracious.
Tomorrow is Friday <3
I'm finna get in this weekend.
Music post is tomorrow too!
Did nothing but crank with Brandi to XIB & ABM.
Car ride with Britt was on point. Focused likeeee.
Girl Scout end of the year dinner is tonight. I love my girls <3
Jordan finally turned 16 today. This means I owe him a date. Gracious.
Tomorrow is Friday <3
I'm finna get in this weekend.
Music post is tomorrow too!
One day, I will purchase every single kind of this amazingness.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
So, yeah.. 17 more days left.
I love how we're supposed to be friends, but we can't even speak to each other when we see each other at church. Hmm. But, it's all good. School was boring. After school was cool. Home was screwed up. I went for a run, and then went to Bible Study. I guess my day was cool.. I wish we were still friends. Oh, well. I can't wait until Friday.
Trey Songz - Yo Side of the Bed <3
Amazing video.
Visit here :)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
18 more days left!
So, there's a lot of new music out, but I'm just going to do a huge post on Friday. I wanna listen to these albums before I put them up. Drake's CD hasn't leaked yet, and if it does, don't expect me to post it. I'm going to buy his debut album, just like everyone should :) Today, as a field trip, all of the IB Diploma Candidates went to the NOVA library to start our EE (extended essay). It was a nerd fest, that I trieddd soooo hard to stay out of, lol. I love the IB family we've made over the past years, but I just can't roll with them for soooo long. I may be a nerd, but atleast I'm a COOL NERD! :) Lls. That was my entire day. School for 1st block, NOVA library, home, sleepppp! Perfect day, kinda, lls. I'm going to try and post every day until school lets out, and next week, I'll be doing a spread on the Lion King <3.
Monday, May 24, 2010
19 more days left!
Including exam week, which means I'll start my vacation early since I only have to take two finals :) It's OUR turn, 2011. I'm siceeeedddd.
I am :)
Cause I don't :)
Music :)
It's ALL about Trey Songz :)
My Baby Daddy - The Kid Frankieee.
Chris Brown & Tyga f. Kevin Hall - Dueces.
Consequence - Life is Short.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Night time :)
My "And does it look like I care?" face.
Focused on this FB Chat convo.
Thinking. Old flames, smh.
J: yu seem like yu dnt wanna tlk to me
D: I don't know what to say to you.
J: i understand :/
D: It's okay.
J: no im really tired of bein sooooo stupid wit yu
D: What do you mean?
J: yur a really really good girl for any dude to have by their side and i had you nd i keep lettin you go :(
D: You screwed up. But, it's okay.
J: ik ill deal wit it
D: J, you always say that, but it really doesn't matter right now.
J: ik
D: Yep. I don't hate you or anything.
J: But you should.
I got my baby back :)
My favorite movie as a kid gives the best wisdom <3
Today, my mama gave me my baby back! She completely messed up my Blackberry though. Deleted every single thing on my phone. Phone numbers, texts, emails, etc. NEVER AGAIN WILL THIS LADY TOUCH MY PHONE. Ugh, but oh well. Time to start new, I guess :/
I'm finna spam the next post with pictures :)
Friday, May 21, 2010
School is a waste of my time right now.
My day was good. Chill.
I'm doing better, I think..
I want my Blackberry back.
Richmond tomorrow :) :)
Me & Vannah finna get all the bait.
Forget this ish. My relationship with my bestfriend is done.
Ain't no use trying to fix a broken mirror when it's already broken.
Drake - 9 A.M. in Dallas.
Christina Aguilera "Bionic" Snippets from RS on Vimeo.
Forget this ish. My relationship with my bestfriend is done.
Ain't no use trying to fix a broken mirror when it's already broken.
Drake - 9 A.M. in Dallas.
Christina Aguilera "Bionic" Snippets from RS on Vimeo.
"I don't give a fuck."
5 words.
When uttered in grave seriousness or utter disregard.
Can mean life or death.
Leave me the hell alone. Damn. Focus on your life and not mine. I'm a good kid, I do everything you ask of me and more, so don't give me some bs about me being worthless. Stfu. You just mad I quit Crew. It's been months. Bitch at me about something else. Shit, I need to stop cussing.. it's not ladylike. I'm going to sleep. Oh, nvm. I can't go to sleep. I'm going on a run because "I'm getting fat and lazy." STFU.
When uttered in grave seriousness or utter disregard.
Can mean life or death.
Leave me the hell alone. Damn. Focus on your life and not mine. I'm a good kid, I do everything you ask of me and more, so don't give me some bs about me being worthless. Stfu. You just mad I quit Crew. It's been months. Bitch at me about something else. Shit, I need to stop cussing.. it's not ladylike. I'm going to sleep. Oh, nvm. I can't go to sleep. I'm going on a run because "I'm getting fat and lazy." STFU.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
TGIF ... Tomorrow, lol.
Wow, my cousin is actually intellectual, lol. This is his FB stauts: "It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering." It's true, if you really think about it.
I want my Blackberry back. My mama has had it for about 2 weeks :/
I want my bestfriend back, no matter how much we fight..
I want to start mend my friendships with some people.
I want to start going back to the gym. Or atleast exercising more.
I want school to be over.
I want to graduate.
I want to move out.
I want to live life :)
Moves for the weekend?
- I have a date :) with this kid I really like.
- Richmond to go see Savannah!
- Making tshirts for the SCA election.
- Work :/ CPR training. Whoooooooo. So much fun... haha.
- Natalia's house? I think soooo.
- More? Maybe so. This week has been GOOD.

I've been writing too much on my blog lately. Maybe I should stop that. I don't even know who reads or looks at this thing and that kinda scares me. It's like I'm telling all of my problems to complete strangers. Hmm. But, I like it. It's mysterious.
Make a wish. It's 11:11.
I want my Blackberry back. My mama has had it for about 2 weeks :/
I want my bestfriend back, no matter how much we fight..
I want to start mend my friendships with some people.
I want to start going back to the gym. Or atleast exercising more.
I want school to be over.
I want to graduate.
I want to move out.
I want to live life :)
Moves for the weekend?
- I have a date :) with this kid I really like.
- Richmond to go see Savannah!
- Making tshirts for the SCA election.
- Work :/ CPR training. Whoooooooo. So much fun... haha.
- Natalia's house? I think soooo.
- More? Maybe so. This week has been GOOD.

I've been writing too much on my blog lately. Maybe I should stop that. I don't even know who reads or looks at this thing and that kinda scares me. It's like I'm telling all of my problems to complete strangers. Hmm. But, I like it. It's mysterious.
Make a wish. It's 11:11.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Time for BED!
Today, I tested out of IB Spanish V SL. I'm so proud of myself. Let's hope to God that I get a 5 on that exam. Now, all I have to focus on is Advanced Math/Trig and IB Biology I HL. Four more weeks. Just four. Then, it's summertime :) Less problems, more fun.
Alicia Keys & Drake - Unthinkable (I'm Ready) Remix.
Alicia Keys & Drake - Unthinkable (I'm Ready) Remix.
My men :)
Trey Songz <3 - Trailer for Yo Side of the Bed f. Keri Hilson
Wiz <3 - Hello Kitty (On The Pill).
Tabi <3 - The Come Up.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What you focus on expands...
So if it's negative thoughts, you'll
continue to get negative results..
Be happy, miss.. Trust me, it's better
than stress or worries =]
Thank-you (:
Best advice in a while.
I don't have problems. You're just always focused on you. Like always. Never there for me.
Great way to be a bestfriend. Smh.
Monday, May 17, 2010

My bestfriend, Marta, looks just like Zoe.
She was her Facebook Celebrity Lookalike.
It was kinda cool. Both are pretty and Marta is the besttttt bff <3

I tried to listen to him today.
Just wasn't in the mood.
I fell asleep on Wiz.
Smh. Something is wrong with me.
My mans couldn't even make me smile.
Maybe I just need to switch to Trey, but he'll make me think.
I don't need to think because it'll all come back to ugh.. him. Dang.
I just feel like throwing up. Seems like the only option other than crying. I'm sick of crying and throwing up. It's both pitiful. SMH. I need closure? Forreal doe, I might just need to do some more crying.
Friday, May 14, 2010
I'm trying?
I don't really know what my relationship with God is, but I try to be a good Christian. Lately, I've been trying to talk to him more often, but I have no idea whether or not he hears or even listens to me, because I never hear a voice back. Sometimes, I wonder if he's not responding to me and my questions because I've been disappointing him recently, but he has to know that he's not the only one disappointed in myself. I have to live with this intense disappointment, it's always going to be in my heart and my mind retains everything that has gone down. I can't forget what I've done, it's going to stay with me, and I think that's the hardest thing ever. I can never go back in time and change things. My mistakes are my mistakes. Never to be done again. And I have to learn and deal with that. Last night, I believe that I had an epiphany. God has put people in my life to show my levels of strength. I've been hurt before, so many times, and that's why I can't trust people easily. My strength comes from the pain that these people that come into my life give me, whether it's their or my fault. I guess he uses this to test how strong I am, to know that I will and always will stand up after a fall, no matter how deep it cuts me. No matter how much I've been hurt and lied to, I will always come up standing. But then God has also put people in my life to be in my corner when the world is on my shoulders and it feels like I've been living in a nightmare. These people support me, love me, are there for me, work with my imperfections and flaws; they know me. I thank God for giving me the strength to stand up and keep going, to make sure that I don't let anything get me down no matter what it is. This was a mistake and now it's time to learn from it.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I'm going to stay off my blogs for awhile. I need to get my life in order.
I'll try & update, but right now, I need to focus on me.
Monday, May 10, 2010
Prom 2010
Prom was two weeks ago.
This was my dress.
Next year, I will have a date.
Slow dancing with friend-boys are a no-go.
I hate being a female.
I hate that I get cramps and get a gift every 28 days.
I hate that I can bleed for an entire week and not die.
I hate that I get fat and eat Reese's to ease the pain from the cramps.
I hate that I can't pee standing up.
I hate that I have to shave my legs. It takes too much time.
I hate that we have a double standard with everything. It's not fair.
Ugh, I'm going to bed. Again.
I love this movie, lol.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I love Luan sooo much.
I guess I should be promoting my other blog too. Ummm, it's www.dymcflyy.tumblr.com, it's cool. Atleast I think so. It has a different vibe than this one and is simple, I guess you can say. Go to it. Check it out. Or something (: Oh, and ask me questions on my formspring, www.formspring.me/diamondanderson. It'll be interesting and plus I'm bored with the questions ppl ask me now.
Math is SO effing useless.
Fire drills don't make no damn sense!
You don't want no problems, cause pussy hoe, I'll solve em.
Back up, I can't breathe bitch. Back up, I can't breathe.. bitch.
I be shit'n on you hoe, I put that arch in my back and I toot up my ass.
My mom took away my Blackberry so I can "study" for my IB exams.. WTH.

Lls, true (: Women always end fights.
Instead of studying, cause I'm already a beast in Human Geo, I'm going to blog. She thought she was actually doing something by taking my phone away, haha not even. I just hope she doesn't read my texts, she'll be blown, and I will be really blown. -.-
Heyyyy (:
Monday, May 3, 2010
Music & The Boondocks (:
Wale - Diary.
Chris Brown - National Anthem.
Season premiere of The Boondocks
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