I want my Blackberry back. My mama has had it for about 2 weeks :/
I want my bestfriend back, no matter how much we fight..
I want to start mend my friendships with some people.
I want to start going back to the gym. Or atleast exercising more.
I want school to be over.
I want to graduate.
I want to move out.
I want to live life :)
Moves for the weekend?
- I have a date :) with this kid I really like.
- Richmond to go see Savannah!
- Making tshirts for the SCA election.
- Work :/ CPR training. Whoooooooo. So much fun... haha.
- Natalia's house? I think soooo.
- More? Maybe so. This week has been GOOD.

I've been writing too much on my blog lately. Maybe I should stop that. I don't even know who reads or looks at this thing and that kinda scares me. It's like I'm telling all of my problems to complete strangers. Hmm. But, I like it. It's mysterious.
Make a wish. It's 11:11.
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