The day after John Mayer <3.
1. I was born at 26 weeks.
2. I prefer to paint my own nails then having them done.
3. I collect Black Barbies, pillows, and stuffed animals.
4. I've never died my hair. MY hair is naturally honey brown.
5. I'm completely Black. No mixed in me at all, lol.
6. I'm more of a listener/observer. I don't show feelings.
7. I hate listening to the radio. Mixtapes only in my ears.
8. I like bohemian type fashion jewelry.
9. Blogging relaxes me. I have two blogs.
10. I'm seventeen and I still don't know how to ride a bike, lol.
11. I wish I could have dreads so I could shake em!
12. I have a ridiculous infatuation with Wiz Khalifa.
13. Out of my friends, I'm the mama. Keeps everybody in check, lls.
14. I've gotten bit by a wolf spider at Girl Scout camp.
15. Watching football is my guilty pleasure. Black men <3
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