Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 29: In this past month, what have you learned

September 04, 2010
During this month, I must say that I've learned a lot. I've learned when and how to let my guard down to people. I learned that somethings I do in public, should be done in private. I've learned that God always has my back no matter how far I stray away from him. I've learned that radio music sucks, so I listen to my local artists and will support them for the longest. I've learned that letting go may be a good thing. I've learned over again that I cannot trust everyone. I've learned to give my all to the ones that truly care about me. I've learned that laughing in tough situations breaks the ice. I've learned to take responsibility for my own mistakes. I've learned that sometimes people will never understand my mind. I've learned to take life by it's horns and run with it. I've learned to love, and never hate. I've learned how to be there for my friends more. I've learned that everyone may not take heed to my advice, but they are always listening, and know that they can come to me. I've learned to try and not disappoint my parents anymore. I've learned that God is my life. I've learned to keep smiling, and look on the bright side. I've learned never to regret, but to take everything in life as a lesson learned.. I've learned, and I will continue to learn..


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