Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 20: Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future,
August 27, 2010 BACK ON TRACK :)
Not counting celebrities, I really don't know who I could see myself marrying or being with in the future.. I have a couple of guys in mind, but we'll see how that goes.. When I date or even talk to people, I date/talk to marry. Like, the saying "Date smart, marry smart." Yeah, that's me. I've dated my array of men, but I've always found a heart in every guy. Sooo, I guess you can say I could marry any guy I've been with, and I can say that I'm truly happy with that :) I love every guy I've been with/talked to.
Not counting celebrities, I really don't know who I could see myself marrying or being with in the future.. I have a couple of guys in mind, but we'll see how that goes.. When I date or even talk to people, I date/talk to marry. Like, the saying "Date smart, marry smart." Yeah, that's me. I've dated my array of men, but I've always found a heart in every guy. Sooo, I guess you can say I could marry any guy I've been with, and I can say that I'm truly happy with that :) I love every guy I've been with/talked to.
Day 19: Nicknames you have; why do you have them,
August 26, 2010
Nicknames: Darling, Di, Shabazz, DC, Babygirl, PC, Dominique..
Darling: My grandfather calls me this, has always called me that.
Di: Most of my friends call me this, shortened for Diamond.
Shabazz: My middle name. My mommy is the only one that calls me that.
DC: Shanice calls me this. Stands for Diamond Cooper.. Back in Freshman year, my teacher thought my name was Shanice's last name and wrote it on "Diamond Cooper" on a pass for the bathroom, and Niecy thought it was funny, so she's called me DC since then.
Babygirl: Umm, yeah. Idk why but a lot of ppl call me this.
PC: Tachee calls me this and it's shortened for "Playa's Club," because she thinks I'm a playa and that I look like the girl from Playa's Club..
Dominique: Umm, Dino calls me this. He thought my name was Dominique, lol, and when I corrected him he was surprised.. He's called me this since I was in middle school.. SMH.
Nicknames: Darling, Di, Shabazz, DC, Babygirl, PC, Dominique..
Darling: My grandfather calls me this, has always called me that.
Di: Most of my friends call me this, shortened for Diamond.
Shabazz: My middle name. My mommy is the only one that calls me that.
DC: Shanice calls me this. Stands for Diamond Cooper.. Back in Freshman year, my teacher thought my name was Shanice's last name and wrote it on "Diamond Cooper" on a pass for the bathroom, and Niecy thought it was funny, so she's called me DC since then.
Babygirl: Umm, yeah. Idk why but a lot of ppl call me this.
PC: Tachee calls me this and it's shortened for "Playa's Club," because she thinks I'm a playa and that I look like the girl from Playa's Club..
Dominique: Umm, Dino calls me this. He thought my name was Dominique, lol, and when I corrected him he was surprised.. He's called me this since I was in middle school.. SMH.
Day 18: Plans/dreams/goals you have,
August 25, 2010
1. To graduate high school/college.
2. Intern/get a well paying job.
3. Get married.
4. Have/adopt kids :)
5. Give back to my commuinty.
6. Buy an Audi A4 for meeeeee.
7. Buy my parents a house.
8. Grow my hair out.
9. Tattedddd.
10. Lose weight.
11. Have fun.
12. Be happy :)
1. To graduate high school/college.
2. Intern/get a well paying job.
3. Get married.
4. Have/adopt kids :)
5. Give back to my commuinty.
6. Buy an Audi A4 for meeeeee.
7. Buy my parents a house.
8. Grow my hair out.
9. Tattedddd.
10. Lose weight.
11. Have fun.
12. Be happy :)
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 17: Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why,
August 24, 2010
I would want to switch lives with all three of them for one day, and for different reasons.. Umm, I would love to switch lives with Michelle because her fashion taste is AMAZING, and I would be putting everybody in check, and telling people to leave my husband alone and let him do his job. I would love to switch lives with Mr. President and just tell everyone to shutup and let me do my dxmn job. I would love to switch lives with Oprah because she's just one of my role models..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 16: Another picture of yourself,
August 23, 2010
Homecoming night.
Freshman, Sophomore, and Junior Princess.
Senior Queen/Princess, maybe?
July 30, 2010
Wale concert.
Day 15: Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play,
August 22, 2010
I have no idea where I threw that iPod, so this is from my iTunes..
1. Lil' Wayne - I Feel Like Dying.
2. Wiz Khalifa - Everytime (Freestyle).
3. Raheem DeVaughn - Dr. Cornell West PSA.
4. Enrique Iglesias - Ayer.
5. Wiz Khalifa - Dope Boys (Freestyle).
6. X.O. - Blah Blah.
7. JoJo - Fly Away.
8. J. Cole - Ignorant Shit (Freestyle).
9. Chris Brown - I Need This.
10. Taylor Swift - White Horse.
*I'm really surprised John Mayer or Nando didn't come up..
I have no idea where I threw that iPod, so this is from my iTunes..
1. Lil' Wayne - I Feel Like Dying.
2. Wiz Khalifa - Everytime (Freestyle).
3. Raheem DeVaughn - Dr. Cornell West PSA.
4. Enrique Iglesias - Ayer.
5. Wiz Khalifa - Dope Boys (Freestyle).
6. X.O. - Blah Blah.
7. JoJo - Fly Away.
8. J. Cole - Ignorant Shit (Freestyle).
9. Chris Brown - I Need This.
10. Taylor Swift - White Horse.
*I'm really surprised John Mayer or Nando didn't come up..
Day 13: A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
August 20, 2010
Dear, You Know Who You Are
You never kept to your word. You disrespected me and degraded me like no other. Your words and actions can transcend from loving to hatred. You were my backbone, my bestfriend, my counselor, my lover; my everything. However, everything changed so quickly. Now, you are nothing to me. No pain has crossed my mind or heart since you told me I was worthless as a woman and had no purpose in life, because I know what you said to me that day was incorrect on all accounts. Little to no tears have dripped from my eyelids since that day regarding you, because I will rise against all of your assumptions about MY life. As I take a deep look back on our relationship, you knew nothing about me. You never understood my pain or what I've been through in life, because you were always never completely there for me. I may have invited you into my life unlike my other friends, but you never took advantage of knowing me in my entirety, because you were always worried about yourself. You had no right on God's green Earth to tell me some of the things you told me on that day.. And to make it public, for everyone to see.. Thinking about our relationship makes me cringe because you were the only one I trusted with always being there for me and loved, but now we have nothing. But in all understanding, I have no grudge against you. I hope God blesses you with an amazing life, and I hope that you achieve your dream(s). Just know that you have no control over me, and your hateful words rolled over my back, and had no meaning. I wouldn't allow you profess such things over my life. No amount of apologies or regrets will ever allow me to have you back in my life. I will not allow someone to enter my life again because of such words spoken over me.. I don't regret knowing you, but I do fault myself for falling deep in love with someone who treated me like you did.. You never were consistent with your feelings and words. Fighting all the time with little to none makeups. I was never important to you. I was never your priority. I was never someone you truly loved. I was just there, while I was someone who understood you, but never got anything in return. This chapter is now closed in my book, and it will never be opened again. All is fair in love and war.
Dear, You Know Who You Are
You never kept to your word. You disrespected me and degraded me like no other. Your words and actions can transcend from loving to hatred. You were my backbone, my bestfriend, my counselor, my lover; my everything. However, everything changed so quickly. Now, you are nothing to me. No pain has crossed my mind or heart since you told me I was worthless as a woman and had no purpose in life, because I know what you said to me that day was incorrect on all accounts. Little to no tears have dripped from my eyelids since that day regarding you, because I will rise against all of your assumptions about MY life. As I take a deep look back on our relationship, you knew nothing about me. You never understood my pain or what I've been through in life, because you were always never completely there for me. I may have invited you into my life unlike my other friends, but you never took advantage of knowing me in my entirety, because you were always worried about yourself. You had no right on God's green Earth to tell me some of the things you told me on that day.. And to make it public, for everyone to see.. Thinking about our relationship makes me cringe because you were the only one I trusted with always being there for me and loved, but now we have nothing. But in all understanding, I have no grudge against you. I hope God blesses you with an amazing life, and I hope that you achieve your dream(s). Just know that you have no control over me, and your hateful words rolled over my back, and had no meaning. I wouldn't allow you profess such things over my life. No amount of apologies or regrets will ever allow me to have you back in my life. I will not allow someone to enter my life again because of such words spoken over me.. I don't regret knowing you, but I do fault myself for falling deep in love with someone who treated me like you did.. You never were consistent with your feelings and words. Fighting all the time with little to none makeups. I was never important to you. I was never your priority. I was never someone you truly loved. I was just there, while I was someone who understood you, but never got anything in return. This chapter is now closed in my book, and it will never be opened again. All is fair in love and war.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day 12: How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one,
August 19, 2010
Uhh, I found about both Blogger and Tumblr through my friend, Abby. I made one because I needed to pick up a hobby and this seemed easy. I've kept up with both because it helps me relax and speak my mind when I can't. I use my Blogger for more text and music, than my Tumblr that holds a lot of pictures..
Twitter: /justbepatient7
Uhh, I found about both Blogger and Tumblr through my friend, Abby. I made one because I needed to pick up a hobby and this seemed easy. I've kept up with both because it helps me relax and speak my mind when I can't. I use my Blogger for more text and music, than my Tumblr that holds a lot of pictures..
Twitter: /justbepatient7
I'm back.. Hopefully.
I'm back from Richmond.. That's why I haven't been posting a lot. And the fact that I've lost 5,000 songs that were on my iPod, due to something, has been depressing me.. Starting fresh, I guess.. And I guess I'll catch up on my 30 day thing tonight.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day 10: Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
I'm tired and sleepy. I don't feel like wasting my time with this right now. Today was my last day at work, and now I need to pack for Richmond tomorrow. Here's a list of my Top 25 on iTunes. It's outdated and not correct, but I'm sleepy soooooo goodnight :)
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day 09: Something you’re proud of in the past few days,
I'm back on track now, lol.
Something I'm proud of that I've done in the past few days is..
Cutting off the most demeaning and useless person in my life.
Someone so disrespectful and insane has no place in my life.
And I thought this kid was my bestfriend and love.
On to the next one..
Day 08: Short term goals for this month and why,
August 15, 2010..
Umm, I think August is almost done.. so I will write for the rest of August and September..
1. Finish my summer reading assignment.
2. Start my college applications.
3. Keep my room clean for longer than a week.
4. Start my Senior year on the right foot; (SCA, Crew, etc.)
5. Don't hide my feelings to the people that love me the most.
6. Find my Homecoming dress :)
7. Take my SAT and ACT over and actually study..
8. Take my Senior portraits.
9. Blog more :)
10. Exercise more..
And my reason for all of these goals are because they all need to get done! :)
Umm, I think August is almost done.. so I will write for the rest of August and September..
1. Finish my summer reading assignment.
2. Start my college applications.
3. Keep my room clean for longer than a week.
4. Start my Senior year on the right foot; (SCA, Crew, etc.)
5. Don't hide my feelings to the people that love me the most.
6. Find my Homecoming dress :)
7. Take my SAT and ACT over and actually study..
8. Take my Senior portraits.
9. Blog more :)
10. Exercise more..
And my reason for all of these goals are because they all need to get done! :)
Day 07: A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you,
Supposed to be posted on August 14th, but I've been busy, so I'm catching up now :)
A lot of people have some sort of impact over my life, but of course I would be nowhere without my parents.. No matter how much I screw up and such, they are still there for me. I love them very much, no matter what happens. Lol, they will probably flip when they find out I've put their picture of my blog. Iloveyouuuuuu :)
The man that has kept my family together and has always strengthened us in a time of need. My Savior and Lord. My Father God. My love. My life. My God loves me no matter what with any and all of my sins..
Friday, August 13, 2010
Day 06: Favorite superhero and why,
Wonder Woman is my mama's favorite superhero, and she's always told me how powerful Wonder Woman was/is, and that's always stuck with me. Knowing that this superhero has so much respect from her other friends that are superheroes and can do things men can do, and even better, really sets her apart from the others.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day 05: A picture of somewhere you’ve been to,
During Spring Break this year, I went to Jamaica with my bestfriend and my other sisters :) The scenery was absolutely amazing, and I had the best time of my life..
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day 04: A habit that you wish you didn’t have
Um, so maybe I should make a list for this one.. 10 things?
1. Cussing so casually.
2. Leaving my things in the floor and not picking them up.
3. Hiding my feelings/worrying/my very dry sarcasm.
4. Getting mad at my mother so easily.
5. Letting people get the best of me.
7. Stuttering over my words.
8. Not enabling myself to go deeper with my relationship with Christ.
9. Being afraid(?) to eat in front of people that I don't know.
10. Holding my pee in until the last minute, lol.
1. Cussing so casually.
2. Leaving my things in the floor and not picking them up.
3. Hiding my feelings/worrying/my very dry sarcasm.
4. Getting mad at my mother so easily.
5. Letting people get the best of me.
7. Stuttering over my words.
8. Not enabling myself to go deeper with my relationship with Christ.
9. Being afraid(?) to eat in front of people that I don't know.
10. Holding my pee in until the last minute, lol.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day 03: A picture of you and your friends,
Jocelyn, Me, and Marta.
Bestfriends since 3rd/4th grade. The only girls to actually see me cry my eyes out. They may not know everything about me, but they are always there for me no matter what. Never backstab and always truthful. They are truly great friends.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day 02: The meaning behind your Tumblr name,
I guess this isn't my Tumblr, lol. But, both blogs still have the same url, so I'll still answer it. "DYMCFLYY" is based off the artist Nando.. When he first came out, his name was NandoMcFlyy, and I just took it and put my own spin on it, lol. Uh, yeah, I'm in love with Nando's music, and I liked his name because it was different. Andddd yeah, that's it.
But, my blog name is "Please Be Patient With Me," and it's caption underneath is, "I do a good job of blocking painful, unnecessary things from my memory. Now you know, no one has ever loved anyone as much as I love you." The caption is two quotes from the Twilight series books and they basically describe me, obviously, lls.
But, my blog name is "Please Be Patient With Me," and it's caption underneath is, "I do a good job of blocking painful, unnecessary things from my memory. Now you know, no one has ever loved anyone as much as I love you." The caption is two quotes from the Twilight series books and they basically describe me, obviously, lls.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Day 01: A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself,

The day after John Mayer <3.
1. I was born at 26 weeks.
2. I prefer to paint my own nails then having them done.
3. I collect Black Barbies, pillows, and stuffed animals.
4. I've never died my hair. MY hair is naturally honey brown.
5. I'm completely Black. No mixed in me at all, lol.
6. I'm more of a listener/observer. I don't show feelings.
7. I hate listening to the radio. Mixtapes only in my ears.
8. I like bohemian type fashion jewelry.
9. Blogging relaxes me. I have two blogs.
10. I'm seventeen and I still don't know how to ride a bike, lol.
11. I wish I could have dreads so I could shake em!
12. I have a ridiculous infatuation with Wiz Khalifa.
13. Out of my friends, I'm the mama. Keeps everybody in check, lls.
14. I've gotten bit by a wolf spider at Girl Scout camp.
15. Watching football is my guilty pleasure. Black men <3
I think I'm going to do this..
- Day 01- A recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself
- Day 02- The meaning behind your Tumblr name
- Day 03- A picture of you and your friends
- Day 04- A habit that you wish you didn’t have
- Day 05- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to
- Day 06- Favorite super hero and why
- Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you
- Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
- Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
- Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
- Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends
- Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
- Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently
- Day 14- A picture of you and your family
- Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
- Day 16- Another picture of yourself
- Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
- Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
- Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
- Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with in the future
- Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
- Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
- Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
- Day 24- A letter to your parents
- Day 25- What I would find in your bag
- Day 26- What you think about your friends
- Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge
- Day 28- A picture of you last year and now, how have you changed since then?
- Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned
- Day 30- Who are you
Thursday, August 5, 2010
#Happy Birthday,
August 1st: Lamar.
August 4th: President Barack Obama.
August 5th: Uncle Ronie.
August 5th: Uncle Ronie.
Cutest baby on Teen Mom :)
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
FINALLY. AFTER WAITING TWENTY MINUTES FOR STUPID RAPRADAR TO POST THIS MIXTAPE AND THEN FOR THE LINK TO BE BROKEN!? I WAS CRAPPING BRICKS AND CUSSING LIKE THE WORLD WAS ABOUT TO END. HISSY FITS FOR ME AND AARON AS WE PATIENTLY, NOT REALLY, WAITED.. SMH. Well, anyways. Lol, I'm done talking in all caps. Finally a link that works. Wale, please do me a favor and NEVER go with RapRadar to upload the biggest mixtape that you've put out again. Use Megaupload or Ushershare for Christ's sake. Now, I have to wait for this ZShare link to finish downloading, and it's taking FOREVER. Smh. Sike nah, I switched links twice to gave a faster link. I've posted the Limelinx link; it took less than 2 minutes :)
NP: #MoreAboutNothing :) :) :) :)
NP: #MoreAboutNothing :) :) :) :)

It's 11:36 am and this mixtape drops at 12 noon.
My timeline on Twitter is everything Wale & #MoreAboutNothing,
I was showered, clothed, & fed before 12 so I won't rush to get it.
This might be bigger than #Kush&OJ cause it's the TT of the day.
Download at 12 on here?
Yessssss :)
@212 am.
Terence and I are on the phone.
He just woke up from a nap and sounds funny.
I am also talking to an old friend that I miss dearly.
:) Summer nights.
I started my college apps today, I felt like I actually did something productive than sleeping and showering, lol. #More About Nothing drops today :) And #CarryOut2 is coming soon :)
He just woke up from a nap and sounds funny.
I am also talking to an old friend that I miss dearly.
:) Summer nights.
I started my college apps today, I felt like I actually did something productive than sleeping and showering, lol. #More About Nothing drops today :) And #CarryOut2 is coming soon :)
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